Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dealing with ADHD in your child

Do you think your child has ADHD?  Also known as "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" is more common than you think among children, and even adults.  3-7% of children are diagnosed with ADHD, which is about 1-2 children in each classroom.

Symptoms of ADHD include but not limited to the following:

*making careless mistakes
*loses interest easily
*impulsively punches, hits, yells, etc
*seems angry all the time or if they don't get their way
*inability to listen or follow directions
*is distracted easily
*excessively hyper
*excessive talking
*impulsively interrupts

Other interesting facts about ADHD:

*A child with ADHD likely has a parent with the same disorder
*A person with ADHD is likely to have discipline problems
*25% of children with ADHD have serious learning disablilities
*Boys are more likely to have ADHD than girls
*People with ADHD are more likely to have relationship troubles with both peers and family

If you think that your child had ADHD, please ask your doctor for him or her to be tested.  While many doctors may suggest medication, there are other methods that can help tame ADHD that can be tried before medication, or even as well as using medication.

*Keep your child active.  Boredom often results in impulsive behavior, so keeping your child busy with activities, going places, etc can help control the impulsive behavior.
*Praising your child for their stregnths and doing so immediately instead of later.
*Stay organized is helpful so your child knows to exact snack right after school, or that bedtime is right at 9
*As hard as it is, you need to be patient with your child.  Don't rush or get frustrated...it will only cause your child to become more frustrated.
*Pick your battles!  If you know your child hates wearing a shirt with a collar, don't make him or her wear one every day!
*Practice good behaviors with your child.

1 comment:

  1. I just learned my son was diagnosed with ADHD, he’s in the sixth grade. Another post recommended trying Ink for All. It's developed to be distraction-free. I thought I might tell other moms about it: http://bit.ly/2DWi1K9
