Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm very excited to announce that I am officially an Independent
Consultant for Scentsy. If you haven't heard of it, it is THE
wickless candle. You simply purchase a warmer of your choice (which
comes in 3 different sizes), and a Scentsy bar with contains 8 scented
wax chunks. To use your warmer, just plug it in and the low watt
lightbulb slowly melts the wax placed on top. A half up to 2 chunks is
all you need to fill your house with one of 80+ scents to choose from.
I love it! In addition to warmers, there is also Buddys, which you
place a scented pack in the back to help freshen up your children's
room as well! The Layers is a new addition to Scentsy with includes
lotion, perfume, body butters, washer wiffs, and dryer disks. For
more information or to place an order, visit my website at
Just the thought of the little pests crawling around in my kids' hair
is enough to make me cringe. Thankfully my kids have not had it, but
I'm still constantly checking their hair, especially my daughter's
long hair, as I am fixing it every morning. There has not even been
an infestation at our kids school, which is great, but I have heard
the horror stories!
My friend's daughter had an infestation in her long, thick hair. It
spread from that little girl's hair to her bother's, her mother's, and
every one that can in contact with her. Treatment after treatment,
and those nasty pests wouldn't go away! Months went by before they FINALLY got rid of the lice. I was scared to let my daughter go over there and play, even though it was really no one's fault.
I have been trying to keep my daughter's hair in a braid or ponytail,
to avoid potential urge to borrow someone's brush...not that brushing her hair is her favorite thing, at least not yet.
Have you ever had a lice infestation? If you have, what is the best way to get rid of them and keep them away?