Sunday, January 29, 2012

Our latest family outting was to everyone's very first Ice Hockey Game! As we stood in line for the longest 30 minutes in a parent's lifetime, the complaining started. It was freezing outside and we had to stand and wait. We arrived early because the first 1000 kids to arrive to this sold out event, got a free jersey. So obviously our kids wanted a free jersey! But as soon as the complaining started, the line finally started to move. As we approach the gate, we notice that the line next to us is out of the kids start getting concerned that we wouldn't get one. At last it was our turn and our kids excitedly received their very own jersey.

An hour of the loud music, cheering, watching the fights, endless amount of popcorn and candy crew was still in full swing! Dancing around, cheering on their team, and having a blast! We all had a lot of fun and it was well worth the money spent!

The van home was a quiet one! The baby had stayed at home with Grandma, so the 4 older ones were tired, and half asleep, if not asleep, on the way home. Thankfully they all slept well and even slept in until 8:45!! It's one event we will definitely plan again!

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