Sunday, January 29, 2012
Our latest family outting was to everyone's very first Ice Hockey Game! As we stood in line for the longest 30 minutes in a parent's lifetime, the complaining started. It was freezing outside and we had to stand and wait. We arrived early because the first 1000 kids to arrive to this sold out event, got a free jersey. So obviously our kids wanted a free jersey! But as soon as the complaining started, the line finally started to move. As we approach the gate, we notice that the line next to us is out of the kids start getting concerned that we wouldn't get one. At last it was our turn and our kids excitedly received their very own jersey.
An hour of the loud music, cheering, watching the fights, endless amount of popcorn and candy crew was still in full swing! Dancing around, cheering on their team, and having a blast! We all had a lot of fun and it was well worth the money spent!
The van home was a quiet one! The baby had stayed at home with Grandma, so the 4 older ones were tired, and half asleep, if not asleep, on the way home. Thankfully they all slept well and even slept in until 8:45!! It's one event we will definitely plan again!
An hour of the loud music, cheering, watching the fights, endless amount of popcorn and candy crew was still in full swing! Dancing around, cheering on their team, and having a blast! We all had a lot of fun and it was well worth the money spent!
The van home was a quiet one! The baby had stayed at home with Grandma, so the 4 older ones were tired, and half asleep, if not asleep, on the way home. Thankfully they all slept well and even slept in until 8:45!! It's one event we will definitely plan again!
My 9 year old son is a star basketball player! He's so excited for each game, and loves that he gets better and better each game and practice. As he blocks a shot, he excitedly looks over to the stands to see that his fans fill up half the stands! At the end of the game he simply replies, "Wow...I have LOTS of people that support me!"
It's such a great feeling to know that my kids are growing up feeling loved and supported.
It's such a great feeling to know that my kids are growing up feeling loved and supported.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Cutest Thing Ever...
When your little one does something, maybe for the first time, have you ever thought or said that it was the cutest thing ever??
Yesterday we were in the van, headed out to lunch...I turned around and witnessed my 18 month baby saying, "I love you." I was so excited!! He even did the hand motions like Daddy had taught him earlier that day! Pointing to his eye (and saying I), then making 2 fists and holding them together (and saying love) and then pointing (saying you). It was the cutest thing ever!
Yesterday we were in the van, headed out to lunch...I turned around and witnessed my 18 month baby saying, "I love you." I was so excited!! He even did the hand motions like Daddy had taught him earlier that day! Pointing to his eye (and saying I), then making 2 fists and holding them together (and saying love) and then pointing (saying you). It was the cutest thing ever!
Do you still have any of your dolls or toys from your childhood? Or maybe collect vintage toys? Or maybe your childhood toys are vintage! Several girls at work were telling me about their childhood toys that they still have...the famous Chatty Cathy was one of a kind from 1959 to 1965. This famous talking doll is going for $300-400 on ebay! If it's in mint condition, they are selling for up to $1000!!
Vintage barbies will always be a popular sell for those vintage buyers. I actually still have all of my Barbies from when I was a child, and my Great-Grandma's Barbies too! I always thought that they were so beautiful and favorite to play with!
Strawberry Shortcake Dolls first came out in 1979, and are still in high popular demand. The vintage dolls are going for up to $250 on ebay.
I still have my Cabbage Patch Kid Dolls and have passed them down to my daughter to play with. They were first invented in 1976 by a Xavier Roberts. He actually started a Babyland General Hospital where people could go to adopt their dolls complete with the adoption papers.
What other vintage dolls or toys do you cherish that you either have, remember, or wish you still had?
Vintage barbies will always be a popular sell for those vintage buyers. I actually still have all of my Barbies from when I was a child, and my Great-Grandma's Barbies too! I always thought that they were so beautiful and favorite to play with!
Strawberry Shortcake Dolls first came out in 1979, and are still in high popular demand. The vintage dolls are going for up to $250 on ebay.
I still have my Cabbage Patch Kid Dolls and have passed them down to my daughter to play with. They were first invented in 1976 by a Xavier Roberts. He actually started a Babyland General Hospital where people could go to adopt their dolls complete with the adoption papers.
What other vintage dolls or toys do you cherish that you either have, remember, or wish you still had?
If it's been a while between posts, it's probably because I was working those nights, or just plain busy with my house full of kids! Last week I worked three nights in a row (12 hour shifts), and was getting maybe 5 hours of sleep between each shift, which makes me exhausted by the last night. Every morning when I get home, I pick up my Bonus child from his mom's and bring him to my house, pack up my daughter's lunch, take her to school, get the baby up, change his diaper, feed him, and then...I am able to go to bed and sleep from about 9 until about 3, when it's time to pick the kids up from school.
Working the three in a row it not only hard on me, but the kids too. (I guess I should mention that my mother-in-law lives with me and watches the kids while I sleep! Lol.) The kids beg me to stay awake and not leave them with Grandma. The baby even cries at my bedroom door, sometimes for up to 15 minutes. 15 minutes of yelling, "MMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" hitting and kicking my bedroom door, crying hysterically. It breaks my heart, but I know that I need the sleep. Sometimes I ask myself if it's really worth it. The second income helps, but I wish there was something I could do at home. I would love to be a WAHM, but not sure where to look for legitiment work from home jobs. But I'm always keeping my eyes and ears open for opportunities that will allow me to spend more quality time with all of my kids!
Working the three in a row it not only hard on me, but the kids too. (I guess I should mention that my mother-in-law lives with me and watches the kids while I sleep! Lol.) The kids beg me to stay awake and not leave them with Grandma. The baby even cries at my bedroom door, sometimes for up to 15 minutes. 15 minutes of yelling, "MMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" hitting and kicking my bedroom door, crying hysterically. It breaks my heart, but I know that I need the sleep. Sometimes I ask myself if it's really worth it. The second income helps, but I wish there was something I could do at home. I would love to be a WAHM, but not sure where to look for legitiment work from home jobs. But I'm always keeping my eyes and ears open for opportunities that will allow me to spend more quality time with all of my kids!
Have you ever had a dream about your significant other having an affair? Then wake up upset and carry it on throughout the day nit picking every little thing he does? GUILTY HERE! I woke up from my unpleasant dream, not a very happy camper. I came out into the living room to where my loving husband was cleaning up the breakfast he had made the kids...and he could tell that I was not in a good mood. Now, we have been together long enough that we both know that if the other is in a bad mood, to just walk away. First thing I said was, "I had the worst dream..."
His response? Laughter. Then continuous teasing throughout the day, even though I was in a sour mood at times. But he knew that I was just in that mood because of the dream and blew it off, and continued to tease me. Even though I didn't think it was so funny at all.
His response? Laughter. Then continuous teasing throughout the day, even though I was in a sour mood at times. But he knew that I was just in that mood because of the dream and blew it off, and continued to tease me. Even though I didn't think it was so funny at all.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Preservatives and Hyperactivity
Yesterday a friend of mine told me that she started her kids on an all natural diet to help with their hyperactivity and behavioral problems. She simply cut out everything with preservatives and dyes from their diet and already has seen a major difference in her kids' behavior! According to younger children respond better than older children when consuming lower doses of attitives. Jim Stevenson is a professor at England's University of Southampton, led this research and stated that "kids can become more hyperactive within an hour of consuming food attitives."
So, I decided to do some more research of my own and discovered the 'Feingold Diet' which is known as being an all natural diet plan as a treatment for 'ADHD.' This diet eliminates artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. Sticking to this healthier meal plan, it helps:
*inability to sit still
*poor self-control
*unresponsive to discipline
*destructive behavior
*excessive/loud talking
*low self-esteem
*frequent crying
*dyslexia/ reading problems
*difficulty in reasoning and comprehension
*difficulty falling asleep
This is just to name a few. The complete list is
So, I decided to do some more research of my own and discovered the 'Feingold Diet' which is known as being an all natural diet plan as a treatment for 'ADHD.' This diet eliminates artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. Sticking to this healthier meal plan, it helps:
*inability to sit still
*poor self-control
*unresponsive to discipline
*destructive behavior
*excessive/loud talking
*low self-esteem
*frequent crying
*dyslexia/ reading problems
*difficulty in reasoning and comprehension
*difficulty falling asleep
This is just to name a few. The complete list is
Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr Day, all the kids are out of school...I expected lots of bored kids, fighting over things to do..the twin girls that live across the street came over to play also, so I had 7 kids here to play for the day. Instead of hearing arguing about who was going to play with who, all 7 kids played together...and well! Not a single fight, argument...nothing. It was a great and considerably calm day...well as calm as it gets with a houseful! The day consists of playing the Wii, listening to music and playing their PSPs, the girls played dress-up, Coloring and drawing pictures, and the day came to a close with a movie and popcorn. The key to a calm day was the variety of things to do and some new playmates! I just hope this summer is as calm as it was today!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Lately I have had several people give me unsolisited advice about life, in particular...marriage. A woman, whom was ill in the hospital, gave me some very wise advice...A marriage isn't easy and it requires work. You can't work AT a marriage to make it better. If you have found someone you love, you work THROUGH your lives together as a team.
How true is that, really? When you sit and think about it, very true. You can't concentrate on trying to make the typical picture-perfect marriage, but instead live your lives together. Always count on each other and be there for one another, and that will create your own picture-perfect marriage.
Another peice of advice was given to me from another woman inwhich her husband was ill. It took a life-threatening event to make her reevaluate her marriage and what path her relationship was heading. She recalled constantly nagging at him, complaining, yelling, getting upset...all for stupid petty reasons, and now regrets it. She took him for granted, and never appreciated any sacrifices he had made for her and their family.
This new year instead of making personal resloutions, make one about appreciating your marriage. My grandparents were married for 40 long, wonderful years. I'm sure they had their ups and downs, but they made it through...together. I want my own marriage to last the next 40 years...and it will.
How true is that, really? When you sit and think about it, very true. You can't concentrate on trying to make the typical picture-perfect marriage, but instead live your lives together. Always count on each other and be there for one another, and that will create your own picture-perfect marriage.
Another peice of advice was given to me from another woman inwhich her husband was ill. It took a life-threatening event to make her reevaluate her marriage and what path her relationship was heading. She recalled constantly nagging at him, complaining, yelling, getting upset...all for stupid petty reasons, and now regrets it. She took him for granted, and never appreciated any sacrifices he had made for her and their family.
This new year instead of making personal resloutions, make one about appreciating your marriage. My grandparents were married for 40 long, wonderful years. I'm sure they had their ups and downs, but they made it through...together. I want my own marriage to last the next 40 years...and it will.
Your Spirit
Some days I just sit here and wait. Wait for you to come and take me to where you are, but realize you're not ready for me yet. So I wait... As I wait I realize that I am needed here more. Every day I wish that you were to give me guidance, but most importantly, I wish you were here so that my children could know the best, most amazing woman I am fortunate enough to thank for my upbringing.
Your last breath is my most painful memory. My body may have been across the room, but my spirit was next to yours. My eyes may have been watching, but my soul was melting. That last, deep breath knocked the spirit back into my own body and threw me onto the floor as sorrow filled my soul. As I sat on that floor, I waited...waited for my own breath to be taken. But it wasn't my time.
Many years have past, but I remember like it was yesterday. What gives me peace is knowing that you are still spirit. Your spirit watches over my family and I and protects us from harm. Your spirit shines the sun and makes the moon and makes the stars bright. Your body may have been tired, but your spirit will live on and be loved forever...
**Posted on The Columbus Creative Cooperation website.
Your last breath is my most painful memory. My body may have been across the room, but my spirit was next to yours. My eyes may have been watching, but my soul was melting. That last, deep breath knocked the spirit back into my own body and threw me onto the floor as sorrow filled my soul. As I sat on that floor, I waited...waited for my own breath to be taken. But it wasn't my time.
Many years have past, but I remember like it was yesterday. What gives me peace is knowing that you are still spirit. Your spirit watches over my family and I and protects us from harm. Your spirit shines the sun and makes the moon and makes the stars bright. Your body may have been tired, but your spirit will live on and be loved forever...
**Posted on The Columbus Creative Cooperation website.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
So, I'm still new here to the blogging world, but happy to announce that I have been learning! Learning how to link with other bloggers, what to blog about to keep my readers reading, how to draw in traffic...still learning how to beautify my site and make it look like it might be interesting, get pictures, and grabbable buttons too! If you're an expert...or even on your way to being one, and you have some tips for me, I would LOVE to hear your input!!
Happy Blogging!!
Happy Blogging!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
For Christmas, my wonderful husband did something so amazing and special for me. He took my Great-Grandmother's Cedar Hope Chest and got it refurbished. Over the summer, he had attempted to do this himself...however, it was a lot more time consuming than expected! He contacted a Rob Gale located in Southern Ohio. He has 18 years experience and did an amazing job on this!! Here are the before and after pictures...let me know what you think!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Bachelor is back Part 2
Usually when it gets close to the end of the season, I get online and see who gets the Final Rose. This season, I decided to see if the results are out yet, and....they are!! I'm so excited! Now, sometimes the online leaks are wrong, and in this case...I hope they are. As of right now, I am not a fan of "the winner." Maybe as the season progresses, my opinion will change, and I hope so! This is according to the information from Reality Steve...who BTW is supposedly getting sued by ABC. I won't say who the final winner is, but I will reveal the final 4:
- Kacie Boguskie is from Knoxville, TN and currently works at Genera Energy LLC
- Courtney Robertson lives in Santa Monica, CA and is a professional model with an attitude.
- Nicky Sterling is from Hurst, TX and is a Dental Hygienist
- Lindzi Cox is from Bellevue, WA and works in sales. Her real passion is horses and rode in on a horse during her and Ben's first meeting!!!
The Bachelor is baaacccckkkkk!!!
The season premier of "The Bachelor" aired last night on ABC. I don't know about anyone else, but there is just something about that show that I can't get enough of!! Picking my favorite girl/guy, and cheering them on all season long...this season it's still too soon for me to pick a favorite yet, even though there are a few I'm not too fond of. On last nights episode, Jenna, the Blogger, was overly emotional already in the game. After spending most of the night crying in the bathroom, Jenna was grateful to be given a rose meaning she would be around another week. The reason for Jenna's emotional evening was Monica. Monica made it clear that she was NOT there for Ben, which upset Jenna, and then proceeded to bully Jenna, and laugh when she saw how upset Jenna was becoming. Also Monica spent more time flirting with the ladies than spending time with Ben! Wow! Is that a Bachelor first?!?! Another contestant I personally am not cheering on at this point in the game is Courtney, the model. She seemed okay when she was around Ben, and occasionally the other girls, but during her solo interviews she is overly arrogant. She's the type of girl that thinks her sh!t doesn't stink!
Have you chosen the girl(s) that you like or dislike the most?
Have you chosen the girl(s) that you like or dislike the most?
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