"Picky eaters". Most toddlers are picky eaters, and mine definitely is one! Along with my other kids too! Here are some tips to survive your picky eaters:
- Don't force your child to eat. Making your child clean his or her plate could lead to overeating. We usually give small potions and let them ask for seconds
- Let them help. My kids love to help me cook! Even if it's something as simple as putting the fish sticks on the pan. They each take turns and when it's their turn they get to help cook, set the table, pass out food/drinks, and help with dishes. My kids are between the ages of 9 and 18 months, so I don't allow them to touch the stove or stove top.
- Keep trying. My kids are more opt to try something new if it's off of my plate instead of their own! I let them try a bite then gladly get them a plate once they tell me they like it!
- Fun! Kids love when their food is cut into different shapes or they have a yummy dip.
- Have a routine. My kids know that after school they have to eat something healthy like apples with peanut butter, then they can have a piece of candy. Or that they have to eat dinner and be full FROM DINNER, then get dessert about an hour later.
Hope these tips are as helpful for you with your kids as they are with mine! It's normal to be a picky eater, but it doesn't mean to stop trying! How do you get your picky eater to eat?
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